Interviewing made easy

Anyone who conducts an interview should be trained on the right way to prepare for and conduct an interview. Our training and tools make better, more insightful interviewers and better hires! Our easy to Interviewer Training certification will guarantee all your interviewers are well trained and avoid common mistakes. Click here for access to our training portal and get a free preview of our program.

For a more in depth interview training for managers and staff please check out our “Hiring the Best/Talent Acquisition” apart of the seven essential skills for career development program. Even the most experienced managers make mistakes interviewing, thats why everyone who conducts an interview should be trained on preparing and conducting an interview to put the candidate at ease and avoid legal issues. i2i Workplace can help develop interviewing skills with our “Hiring the Best/Talent Acquisition” course consisting of 4 modules:

  1. Ensuring a Consistent Hiring Process

  2. Preparing for an Interview

  3. Conducting an Interview

  4. Legal Issues in Hiring

PLUS — Included is access to a bank of over 500 questions based on over 100 attributes, divided into knowledge, skills, values, and behaviors, along with two dozen pre-selected templates for specific positions and workstyles. You’ll conduct better interviews and hire better people in no time.

Click the link, here to view the questionarie builder


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California Mandates for Harassment and Bullying Prevention