HR Tools and Information
Click on the button below to access information about that topic. Or, scroll down the page to review the information in the HR Portal.
New Employee Onboarding
Click on the New Employee Onboarding Button for step-by-step directions and access the information and forms you will need to complete upon hire.
HR Programs for Current Employees
New Employee Onboarding
Welcome to the company!
Here you will find all the information and training you will need to complete during the onboarding/new hire process.
There are four segments you need to complete as your onboarding process.
Handbook Review (20 minutes)
Harassment Prevention Training (1 hour for staff, 2 hours for managers)
HR Forms (Complete the first three onboarding steps, then click on HR Forms. You will be asked to fill in several forms (10), save each form, then submit the completed forms using the File Upload button - 40 minutes)
Policies and Procedures
Click on the button below for the whole employee handbook.
This Employee Handbook provides a reference for the various areas of employment: hiring, standards of conduct, payroll and benefits, safety, performance management, leaves of absence and other areas.
It is provided for general reference purposes only and is not intended as legal advice.
The Company reserves the right to change policies as business needs dictate. Nothing in this handbook should be construed as a contract and is subject to change at the sole discretion of management.
Safety is our top priority. Employees have the responsibility of reading and following all safety measures. This section has various documents related to the Safety function in the office and the field locations.
As part of the onboarding process, the following safety practices need to be read and acknowledged. Read each of these documents and download the policies for your reference.
Harassment Prevention Training
Directions for training:
Harassment prevention training is required in several states, and the federal EEOC “strongly encourages” training. To begin, select your work location, then select Session A or Session B.
Session A - All Employees - All employees must complete the one-hour training session. This session includes the legal and behavioral issues associated with harassment, discrimination, and retaliation, and includes a discussion of bullying and abusive conduct. Complete the video training, review the poster, then take the short quiz. The training is in English or Spanish.
Session B - Managers, supervisors, and team leaders must complete both Session A and Session B, including the videos, activities, and tests to comply with the two-hour requirement.
Be certain you have a complete hour to take each session. After each test, a certificate of completion will be emailed to you and the employer will maintain the records.
Click on the button below to submit any questions about the content and we will respond within two business days if not sooner. Review full policy here.
To access the training, click here:
HR Forms for Onboarding
The forms below need to be completed as part of your new hire paperwork. Click on each link, fill out the online form, and save the pdf. To get back to the list of documents on this webpage, use the back arrow on the browser. Once you complete all the forms, upload the documents using the button below.
I-9 - for employment verification (note: Print and sign this form and bring your supporting documents to your first day of work so that the form can be signed off and the original documentation can be viewed for compliance purposes)
CA EDD State Withholding (for California employees only)
Employee Self-Evaluation
Ongoing dialogue with your supervisor is an important part of your personal and career development. Staff is asked to complete the on-line evaluation form every quarter. This information will be provided to your supervisor or manager to use as feedback about ongoing training and development needs, goals, and progress. The objective is candid assessment and coaching.
In terms of development on various topics, managers and supervisors are encouraged to access a series of self-paced training modules on performance management, team development, efficiency, communication, and other topics. Access to those modules follows in the next section.
Management and Staff Training
Training and Development are essential components of your employment. Here are courses that are pertinent to your job. Some courses may be required, others are suggested or optional.
First time users: Click on the BLUE button below to enter the training portal. When asked for credentials, click on “Create an Account” in the lower right corner. Use your JWMC email and create a password. From there, you can enroll in courses and track your progress.
Management Development Topics - once you have created an account you can access the individual topics here.
Staff Development Topics - once you have created an account you can access the individual topics here.
Employment Posters (Federal and State)
Employers are required to post various posters in the workplace to inform employees of their rights under both FEDERAL and STATE law. Click on the link for access to the FEDERAL posters, then click on your state below to access the posters in your state.
FEDERAL: All employees review these FEDERAL labor law posters.
ALABAMA: Required Posters by Alabama Law
ALASKA: Mandatory Posters
ARIZONA: Required Workplace Posters
ARKANSAS: Required Postings
CALIFORNIA: State of California Required Employment Posters
COLORADO: Required Posters
CONNECTICUT: Connecticut and Federal Labor Posters
DELAWARE: Required Workplace Posters
FLORIDA: Display Posters and Required Notices
GEORGIA: GDOL Required Workplace Posters
HAWAII: Labor Law Poster
IDAHO: Required Posters
ILLINOIS: Required Posters & Disclosures
INDIANA: Required Employer Posters
IOWA: Required Employer Posters
KANSAS: Posters in the Workplace
KENTUCKY: Required Workplace Posters
MAINE: State of Maine Required Posters
MARYLAND: Employment Related Posters and Notices
MASSACHUSETTS: Required Workplace Posters
MICHIGAN: UIA List of Required Employee Posters
MINNESOTA: Workplace Posters
MISSISSIPPI: Required Posters
MISSOURI: Posters/Notices Required by the State of Missouri
MONTANA: Labor Law Posters
NEBRASKA: Required Posters
NEVADA: Nevada Required Employment Posters
NEW HAMPSHIRE: Mandatory Posters
NEW JERSEY: Employer Poster Packet
NEW MEXICO: State and Federal Posters
NEW YORK: Posting Requirements
NORTH CAROLINA: State and Federal Workplace Poster Requirements
NORTH DAKOTA: Required Employer Posters
OHIO: Labor/Employment Law Posting Requirements for State Agencies
OKLAHOMA: Required Workplace Posters
OREGON: Required Worksite Posters
PENNSYLVANIA: Mandatory Postings for Pennsylvania Employers
RHODE ISLAND: Required Posters for the Workplace
SOUTH CAROLINA: State Required Posters
SOUTH DAKOTA: Posting Requirements (State and Federal)
TENNESSEE: Required Posters
TEXAS: Posters for the Workplace
UTAH: Required Employment Posters
VERMONT: Mandatory Workplace Posters
VIRGINIA: Required Posters for Virginia Employers
WASHINGTON: Required Posters
WEST VIRGINIA: Employment Posters
WISCONSIN: Wisconsin Workplace Poster Packet
WYOMING: Wyoming-Specific Labor Law Poster
Job Analysis
In order to properly define roles and responsibilities, we need your input. Job Analysis is an important tool to list the details of the job so everyone is clear on the scope and responsibilities of each position. We also use job analysis to write job descriptions listing essential functions as well as education and experience, technical and interpersonal skills required, and physical dimensions of the job. To collect current data, we ask that you complete the Job Analysis Survey. The information will go into a document that will be edited and made consistent with other positions within the organization. Our goal is to ensure internal equity, clarify aspects of the position, and create a document that is accurate and current. Thank you for your participation.
Employee Surveys
We want your opinion! Sometimes we want to take a poll from employees about a certain issue, whether it is on benefits, HR programs, employee satisfaction, or anything else. This survey tool will provide us with information about employees opinions. Results are completely confidential and individual responses will not be shared with management. No individual surveys will be seen by management, only by i2i Workplace, the administrators of this HR portal. Give us your candid opinions. The information will help give us insight into employees’ opinions and will help with decision making. Thank you!