De-Escalation Training - free to our clients

Let’s face it β€” people have become less and less courteous. Lack of patience, short fuses, and poor communication skills all add up to a potentially tense or volatile situation. Employees should not be subjected to aggressive behavior from customers, clients, vendors, suppliers or the general public. Knowing how to respond and what to say is essential for diffusing a tense encounter.

Our free De-Escalation training provides an overview of the various ways to resolve conflict. Ignoring, avoiding, justifying and accepting are some of the more passive approaches but are not always the most effective. Adding fuel to the fire and responding aggressively does not work either.

In this free online De-Escalation training, employees learn skills for stepping out of their comfort zone and attempting to diffuse stress so it does not escalate. Anyone can benefit from this free training whether they are customer-facing, or simply interfacing with a co-worker. To access the free training, visit

Free with your annual subscription to harassment prevention training. Also in your all-inclusive training package is Active Bystander Intervention training, Employee Investigations, and an employee and manager version of harassment prevention. At i2i Workplace, our goal is positive, productive people.


Virtual Harassment on the Rise


Active Bystander Intervention Training