Washington State Harassment Prevention Training - 2024
Looking for Low-Cost, High-Impact Harassment Prevention Training?
This is not a free training but is low cost. Please click here for pricing information.
If you were instructed to complete the training, please read below and begin the Session:
ALL employees take Session A, in English or Spanish (scroll down). Managers, supervisors, and team leaders take Session A + Session B for two hours of training.
Please note that we allow two free trainings per organization for preview purposes. For more information on how to set up an account, click the button on the right.
Use standard version (above) for the Manager training and test.
Washington Harassment Prevention Resources
Washington WSHRC brochure and website links to informational materials in various languages.
Washington required workplace posters
EEO is the Law Posters in English, Spanish, Chinese and Arabic. Federal posters detailing rights and responsibilities under EEO laws. (Federal EEOC)