Welcome to i2i Workplace

Workplace Violence Prevention

Here are all the documents you need for implementing your WVPP program. There is no other place to set up your account. You do not need to give us emails. We just provide a link to the training and employees enter their details at the end of the training, including NAME, EMAIL, and COMPANY NAME. The main point is for the employee to use their COMPANY NAME and/or COMPANY EMAIL. Employees will receive emails back with their record and a link to their certificates, and you will receive access to a consolidated report.

Let's get started!

Components of the WVPP:

Online Training: Online training including video with test, and case scenarios. After the video and test, they enter their information and receive an email back with their training record and link to their certificate.  The training is available in English and Spanish.

MP4/Videos: If you wanted to access the videos for use in group sessions, send us an email and we will provide those for you.

SCORM files: If you are planning to integrate the training into your Learning Management System, send us an email and we will coordinate that.

Records and Certificates: You will get access to a consolidated report of the training records and certificates for easy recordkeeping. Look for an email later in the day from Peter Solvkjar with i2i Workplace.

Web Page: If you have over 50 employees we will set up an employer webpage for you with your logo and link to the Written Plan. Here is an example for you.

Email to Staff: Cut and paste the text below (delete the Spanish if this does not apply). Give employees a deadline in a week or two to get the training finished.

Written Plan:   If you need a sample policy or have operations in California requiring a Written Plan — we have one for you! There are some highlighted areas you will need to fill in or we can have a video call and go through it together.  Take a look and let's discuss during our video call let me know a good time for you.  This is derived from the Cal-OSHA template but is reorganized, condensed and we added forms and charts. Please let us know if you have any questions.


Dear Employees --

As part of our compliance with OSHA safety laws, we conducting Workplace Violence Prevention Training. We have elected to do online training with i2i Workplace.  The training is required to be conducted annually. The training is available in English and Spanish. Click on this link to access the training after reading the directions below:

English: https://take.quiz-maker.com/QWKH906OK

Spanish: https://take.quiz-maker.com/Q3LMD6QI9

Note: If you have over 50 employees we will set up a webpage for you with your logo, so include that link here once we provide it to you.

Workplace Violence Prevention Training - All Employees - All employees must complete the 45-minute training session.  This session includes how to diffuse a tense situation, de-escalating conflict, risk factors, warning signs, and employer communication and response. Watch the video training, take the 10-question quiz and the 3 case scenarios. You must get 80% correct to pass the training, or you can take it again up to 4 times, or wait 24 hours.

After the test and case scenarios, a certificate of completion will be emailed to you and your employer will maintain the records. Be sure to use COMPANY NAME as the company name to ensure that your training is reported properly.

Please complete the training by _________.

Esta capacitación obligatoria para la prevención de la violencia en el lugar de trabajo respalda la política corporativa para garantizar un entorno de trabajo seguro.

Capacitación sobre prevención de la violencia en el lugar de trabajo - Todos los empleados - Todos los empleados deben completar la sesión de capacitación de 45 minutos.  Esta sesión incluye cómo calmar una situación tensa, reducir la intensidad del conflicto, los factores de riesgo, las señales de advertencia y la comunicación y respuesta del empleador. Mire el video de capacitación, responda el cuestionario de 10 preguntas y los 3 escenarios de casos. Debes obtener un 80% de aciertos para aprobar el entrenamiento, o puedes volver a tomarlo hasta 4 veces, o esperar 24 horas. La capacitación es en inglés o español.

Después de la prueba y los escenarios de casos, se le enviará por correo electrónico un certificado de finalización y su empleador mantendrá los registros.

Revised Cal-OSHA Plan (this document includes the Cal-OSHA content with added TofC, forms, charts, and is condensed to simplify the plan.)

Violence Incident Report and Log (forms for reporting and logging incidences)